Archives for posts with tag: portfolio

Yesterday I discovered and I fell in love.  In 24 hours I was able (with some of their template-y help) to put together a fully interactive flash site with cool graphics, pictures, videos, links, albums, and joy.  I am probably going to keep this as a work in progress, changing and updating are so easy, but I want to share what I’ve done so far.  Check out my wix site.  Please give me feedback, my brain is a little fried after doing this in such a short period of time.  Note, I’m a copywriter and I had no AD/GD feedback or help, this program is pretty retard-proof.  Previously I had my site on Carbonmade, which I loved, but I was also pretty limited by in the free subscription.  Did I mention that is free?  Oh, It’s Free!!!  The only beef I have is that it takes forever to search through the clipart files and that the free URL they give you is not in my preferred “ format.”  If you want to get rid of their tiny ad at the bottom or use your own URL, anti up $4-$5 a month and be happy.  I am satisfied in my pre-paycheck state (not too much longer) to accept their generous gifts even with the tiniest of strings attached.

Also in the spirit of finding new and funtastic things, I came across this website this morning, .  It is a pretty extensive rubric on what has gone viral in a big way over the last few years.  Educate yourself.  I discovered Yatta and then was humiliated by how long ago it was a “thing.”  Congrats Greg Rutter, simple idea, nice site, exhaustive list.  I knew 90 of the 99 things on the list so I’m feeling pretty solid.

100 Changes I Made In 1 Year | Fresh Creation
100 Changes I Made In 1 Year
Fresh Creation is a blog meant to inspire creative minds.  I’m all in on that.  Anyone that, not only tells creatives to get their heads out of the annuals and off Ads of the World, but also serves as a resource for inspiration is fighting the good fight.  Resources like this get the CopyBroad seal of approval.  (Give me an hour and I’ll illi-up a good looking CopyBroad seal)

Enough with the unsolicited plug.  Today I was checking up on Fresh Creation in my reader and came across one of most intimidating posts I’ve ever read.  The blogger posted a list of 100 things that he changed in his life in 2008.  I’ve gotta think that either this guy has low measures for success with these items or he is nigh ghandi status and we should all become his diciples.  The more I read about his suddenly zen, eco-conscious, spiritual and psychological superiority, the more I felt like I’m sort of a hack at life.

I gotta give him bonus points on a cool idea though.  I’m much more interested in reading about the changes someone made than what they promise to get around to doing.  (Obvious lesson for advertising, show us where you’ve been before telling us where you are going.)

When I finally scraped my self-esteem off the floor and picked myself up high enough to see the computer screen again, I decided that maybe New Years resolutions should be murdered in their sleep and we should celebrate the accomplishments of the past year.  I’m gonna subject you to my not-nearly-100 item list of what I accomplished in 2008 so you can feel better about me too.

1.  Learned a little Portuguese.
2.  Moved to an other continent.
3.  Met the man of my dreams.
4.  Stayed in touch with the most important people in my life.
5.  Was offered a job doing what I love.
6.  Passed as Brazilian in a restaurant.
7.  Left Ad school for a job.
8.  Read a few more books than the year before.
9.  Ate more fruit.
10. Decided to start teaching English.
11. Got a bike in leu of a car.
12. Started to learn to drive a stick.
13. Created my book.
14. Created my website.
15. Sold my first ads.
16. Bought fabric grocery bags and used them.
17. Went to the dentist.
18. Found a home for my family.
19. Watched my best friend get engaged.
20. Learned the value of patience.
21. Learned to Belly Dance.
22. Started my reader and subsequently started educating myself daily.
23. Started learning to love my boyfriend the way he wants to be loved.
24. Color coordintated my closet.
25. Lost 5 pounds.
26. Made the big kids pay attention to me at work.

Please send me your lists.  It will make us all happier to take stock of where we’ve come from recently than to focus on all the things we should be doing.   Positive accomplishments only.